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Belt feeders

Serie 36

Idencification – PP – belt feeders
Idencification – SP – box feeders


Belt feeders are intented to smooth and regulated feed or to volume feed of bulk, granular or unadhesive materials – Serie 360 – 363. Box feeders – Serie 364 – 365 are intented to primary treated brick and ceramic raw materials. Belt feeders have feed hopper with manually adjustable slide gate for. In accordance with transported volume and requierements for regulation the drive is designed by means of geared motor and frequency converter. We can alternatively use a mechanical variator. Feeders – Serie 364 – 365 have a drived rotor installed at outlet, which has hammers for raw material-pulverization.


Serie of belt feeders contains 4 basic sizes derived from belt diameter < 400 up to 800 mm >. These belt feeders have transport output max. 100 t/h and we can use it for raw materials with grain size max. 63 mm (it is graded from belt width). Box feeders intended to ceramic raw materials are manufactured in 2 basic sizes, width < 900 a 1250 mm > (see tablet – project data sheet ). The feed hopper-volume is 4 m3, alternatively 12 m3. The transport output is max. 80 t/h. After technical-business discussion we can offer some modification of machine or a special types of construction.


Belt feeders consists of basic supporting structure of drive- and tension drum and belt way, where bearing bodies of both drums, idler stations and return idlers of rubber belt, or sliding metal plates are placed. The belt of the feeder forms feed hopper-bottom. This feed hopper above box feeder serves also as a compensating silo. Feed hopper-outlet has a manually adjustable slide gate. This slide gate serves to height adjustment of transported material thickness. Belt feeders serie 360 – 363 can be placed under a silo, hinged on inlet flange.

Construction of supporting parts and feed hoppers are manufactured from rolled sections and bent sections. This sections are made from a normal/carbon steel (class 11 acc. CZ-Standard ČSN). Driving drums are rubbered. Seal betweeen feed hopper and rubber belt ensure adjustable rubber belts, that are inserted in side guiding. Slip-on angle geared motors, with corresponding output speed are determined for feeder drives (serie 360 – 363). In case of need we can offer chain speed variator with regulation range max. 1 : 6. Planet gears of prestigious suppliers are used as main drive of box feeders.

A special type of construction and special requirements must be consulted with supplier !!! 


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