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Shut-off gates, motor

Serie 41

Idencification – SUM
Type of construction – motor


Shut of gates are intended for an operational and emergency cutting-off of the flow of material from hopper-outlet, silos, chute and similar equipment. They are not specified to regulation of material-flow volume. They are suitable to wide range of bulk, dry, powdered and granular materials with grain size within the range 0 – 32 mm, at technological production lines of cement, lime, ground raw materials, aggregate and similar products. The shut-off gates with rotative electric servomotors are used for a high percent occurrence of manipulations
and for remote control-possibility.


Type range of shut-off gates SUM include 7 sizes < from 160 x 160 mm to 650 x 650 mm > ( s. tablet – project data sheet ). After technical-business discussion it is possible to order except these sizes a special modification. Operating is done through multi-speed electric servomotors with a corresponding size and twist moment. Default shut-off gates have servomotors MODACT MO 52031 and 52032. Servomotors from others producers may be used acc. to option or order of customer.


Shut off gate has usually square section, by atypical design it has a rectangular section (clear opening). These sections are closed through plate-slide that is operated with electric servomotor (by SUM), through turning nut and fixed spindle. The shut-off gate frame is welded from U – steel section. The plate-slide, which ist into the frame inserted, is supported on cylindrical boltheads. At the bigger sizes the plate-slide is supported on longitudinal support (in axis). Sheet of the plate-slide is sealed on the outlet from clear opening through adjustable packing. The clear opening is sealed between sheet and frame by packing cord (all over the circumference). The packing and sheet edges are protected through steel-squareends.

Design of individual products is conditioned by physical properties of material, for which they´re determined. Shutting sheets are manufactured from steel class 11 or 17 acc. to CZ-Standard ČSN. For raw materials and products with temperature to 200°C we use seal profiles from special materials. Seating face of the plate-slide is solved otherwise by granular materials as by powdered materials.

A special type of construction and special requirements must be consulted with supplier !!! 



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Dodávky dopravního zařízení a kompletů

jako jsou např. pásové dopravníky, korečkové elevátory, šnekové dopravníky, skříňové a pásové podavače, turniketové podavače, šoupátkové uzávěry, uzavírací klapky, míchače a elementy pro pneudopravu.

Řešení technologických procesů úpravy nerostných surovin

a výroby stavebního kameniva s následným zpracováním realizační dokumentace a ucelenými dodávkami výrobních uzlů a provozních souborů.

Dále můžeme vyrábět a dodávat

Ocelové konstrukce (pouze části, které kompletují námi dodávané stroje, tzn. vstupní a výstupní části, obslužné plošiny), sila, zásobníky, skluzy atd.