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Rotary valves 320-650

Serie 43

Identification TUP
Type of construction – welded, 320 – 650 mm


Rotary valve is intended for a fluent and regulated transportation or volumetric dosing of loose fine grained materials from bins, or it serves as closing and feeder at dedusting filters. Major decision criterion for using this equipment in technological line are characteristics of transported material. The material must be loose, non-adhesive and must not have arching tendecy. The graine size cannot be more than 5 mm, the max. allowable temperature of conveied material at valves with polytan planchettes is +80°C and with steel planchettes +150 ° Celsia. The application of rotary valve for another material must be before consulted with the producer.


Type range of rotary valves contains 8 basic sizes derived from rotor diameter < 320 up to 650 mm > and rotor length, in the whole scale of rotor shaft rotation speed and corresponding capacity.
The conveyers are delivered completely equipped, with drive, rotation indicator holder and incl. connecting material. After technical – commercial consulting it is possible to order some modifications or a special type of construction.


Rotary valve is formed by welded casing equipped with anchoring flanges for upper inlet and down outlet of material. The front sides of casing are provided with the shield covers. In the casing of rotary valve there is pressed in the exchangeable insert. Rotor of rotary valve is fitted in two antifriction bearings mounted in the shield covers. These covers as well as the rotor are shifted in the exchangeable insert and fixed by the pressure flanges to the body of valve. The cells of rotor result from the spatial division inside of valve body by rotor ribs with exchangeable steel or polytan planchettes depending on temperature of transported material. Side sealing of rotor is solved by means of labyrinth on the circumference between the rotor, insert and shield cover. An accidental material outflow into bearings is prevented by means of adjustable sealing. The drive of rotary valve is realized by means of slip-on geared motor fixed to the rotor shaft by the clamping joint.

Construction – rotary valve is made from a normal steel (class 11 acc. CZ-Standard ČSN) as a welded construction. The planchettes on rotor are made from POLYTAN, steel planchettes from HARDOX or BRINAR.

A special type of construction and special requirements must be consulted supplier !!!



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